Sierpinski triangle (ZX81)

Sierpiński triangle on the ZX81/Lambda 8300

Sierpinski triangle (ZX81)
Sierpinski triangle (ZX81)

Some years ago, to fight off boredom during a long train trip, I coded this small BASIC program for the ZX81, which draws the Sierpiński triangle using the chaos game algorithm.

Sierpinski triangle BASIC listing (ZX81)
Sierpinski triangle BASIC listing (ZX81)

The program requires an unexpanded 1 KB ZX81 and runs on compatible computers, such as the Lambda 8300, as shown in the below video I recorded today.

Sierpinski triangle (chaos game algorithm) program running on the Lambda 8300.

You can either see the program in action on the online ZX81 emulator (press the R key followed by Enter (NEW LINE) to run or K key followed by Enter (NEW LINE) to see the BASIC listing), or download the .p file.

Sierpinski triangle program running on a Sinclair ZX81
Sierpinski triangle program running on a Sinclair ZX81.
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